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Pois (point of interest) are equivalent to the markers, the difference is that you have 12 predefined shapes (Text, Ellipse, rectangle, triangle, arrow, arrowhead , diamond, cross, diagCross, star and hexagon) but you can also take in charge you even their design.

By default the elements sizes are in pixels but you can also use meters by using the property POIUnit.

// Delphi map component TECNativeMap

var P:TECShapePOI;
// add POI at center of map
P := map.addPOI(map.latitude,map.longitude);

// random form

case random(12) of
0 : P.POIShape := poiEllipse;
1 : P.POIShape := poiStar;
2 : P.POIShape := poiRect;
3 : P.POIShape := poiTriangle;
4 : P.POIShape := poiDiamond;
5 : P.POIShape := poiHexagon;
6 : P.POIShape := poiArrow;
7 : P.POIShape := poiArrowHead;
8 : P.POIShape := poiCross;
9 : P.POIShape := poiDiagCross;
10: P.POIShape := poiDirectionSign;
11 : begin
P.POIShape := poiText;
P.Description := 'Poi n°'+inttostr(id);

P.Draggable := true;

P.Color := RGB(random(255),random(255),random(255)) ;

// set hint to this POI
P.Hint := 'POI!';

// by default the size of TECShapePOI is in pixel
// you cant use meter also

// P.POIUnit := puMeter
P.POIUnit := puPixel;

P.width := 32;
P.height:= 32;

Fig. 1 PoiShape

By default the color of the border is derived from the main color, if you want to change this use BorderColor after Color !

property PenStyle : TPenStyle
border line type : psSolid, psDash, psDot, psDashDot et psUserStyle are available

Fig. 2 Poi PenStyle

Using psUserStyle and setCustomDash([len_dash,len_space,..,len_dashx,len_spacex]) you can create your line pattern

Poi.penStyle := psUserStyle;
//you can use in styles like this
map.styles.addRule('.poi {penStyle:userStyle;customStyle:4,4,2,4,4,4}');

You can animate the strokes.

You can change the size of the shapes by flipping their Editable property to true

Fig. 3 TECShapePOI in edit mode - resize handle displayed


Pois are managed by an TECShapePois list accessible through the pois of the groups property TECShapes

the property OnOwnerDrawPOI : TOnOwnerDrawPOI specify a procedure to support the design of type poiOwnerDraw

// Delphi map component TECNAtiveMap

map.Shapes.Pois.OnOwnerDraw := doOwnerDrawPOI;
// owner draw poi, here transparancy text
procedure TFormPoi.doOwnerDrawPOI(const canvas:TCanvas;var Rect:TRect;item:TECShape) ;
var x,y:integer;

canvas.brush.Style := bsClear;

if item.Hover then
canvas.font.color := item.HoverColor
canvas.font.color := item.color;

canvas.font.Style := [fsBold];

wh := canvas.TextExtent(item.hint) ;

x := rect.Left+(( div 2);
y := div 2);



Each TECShapePOI element has its own property OnOwnerDrawPOI


You also have a property OnAfterDraw which allows to draw on a figure, example to include his number.

// Delphi map component TECNativeMap
map.Shapes.Pois.OnAfterDraw := doAfterDrawPOI;
// after draw poi, here write is number
procedure TFormPoi.doAfterDrawPOI(const canvas:TCanvas;var Rect:TRect;item:TECShape) ;
var x,y: integer;
s : string;
begin := [fsBold];
s := inttostr(item.IndexOf);
wh := canvas.TextExtent(s) ;
x := 1+((r.Left + r.Right) - DIV 2 ;
y := 1+((r.Top + r.Bottom) - DIV 2 ;
canvas.brush.Style := bsClear;
canvas.font.color := clWhite;

As for the TECShapeMarker the Scale property allows you to adjust the size and ScaleMarkerToZoom is also functional.

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