Composant Delphi / Google Maps / OpenStreetMap / Leaflet  / Mappilary / Native Maps 100% Delphi 0% WebBrowser 0% Javascript


you are here :TECMap

Property type TECMapStreetView StreetView enables you to manage the display StreetView

Not available CloudMade


Fig. 49 Vue StreetView


It gives access to properties and methods

procedure SetPosition(const dLatitude,dLongitude:double);

Change the position of the point of view

Trigger events OnStreetViewPosition and OnStreetViewAvailable

procedure ReDraw;
Redraw the view to consider options other than those relating to the camera and position
property Visible : boolean;

Property read / write for the show or not to StreetView

Raises the event OnStreetViewVisible

property Adress : string;
Property read returns the address of the place
property Available : boolean;
Read-to determine whether StreetView is available at this location
property Latitude : double;
Property read / write to set the latitude, see SetPosition
property Longitude: double;
Property read / write to set the longitude, see SetPosition
property Heading : integer;

Property read / write to define the viewing direction of camera, 0° = North, 90° = East, 180° = South et 270° = West

Raises the event OnStreetViewPOV

property Pitch : integer;

Property read / write to set the vertical rotation of the camera, to 90° at -90°

Raises the event OnStreetViewPOV
property Zoom : integer;

Property read / write to set the zoom level

Raises the event OnStreetViewPOV

property NavigationControl : boolean;
Property read / write or not to display the control bar
property NavigationPosition : TControlPosition;

Property read / write sets the position of the control bar

Possible values are :

  • cpTopLeft
  • cpTopCenter
  • cpTopRight,
  • cpRightTop
  • cpRightCenter
  • cpRightBottom
  • cpBottomRight
  • cpBottomCenter
  • cpBottomLeft
  • cpLeftBottom
  • cpLeftCenter
  • cpLeftTop
property NavigationStyle : string;

Property read / write to style the control bar

You have the choice between :

property AdrControl : boolean;
Property read / write or not to display the address panel
property AdrPosition : TControlPosition;
Property read / write sets the position of the address, see NavigationPosition for values
property AdrCss : string;
Property read / write to assign a CSS style at
property CloseBtnVisible : boolean;
Property read / write or not to display the close button to view StreetView
property LinkVisible : boolean;
Property read / write or not to display directional links
property ToTxt : string;
Property read / write which gives access to parameters StreetView in the form of a text string

FPoly : TECShapePolygone;

FPoly := TECShapePolygone(map.add(nsPolygon,Lat,Lng)) ;
FPoly.OnAfterDraw := doAfterDraw;
FPoly.Description := 'Polygone '+inttostr(map.Shapes.Polygones.Count);

procedure TFormNativeLinePolygone.doAfterDraw(const canvas:TECCanvas;var Rect:TRect;item:TECshape) ;
var x,y,w,h:integer;
//transparancy text
canvas.brush.Style := bsClear;

canvas.font.color := clBlack;
canvas.font.Style := [fsBold];

w := canvas.TextWidth(item.Description) ;
h := canvas.TextHeight(item.Description);

x := rect.Left+((rect.Right-rect.Left-w) div 2);
y := div 2);




OnStreetViewAvailable(sender: TObject; const bVisible: Boolean);
Triggered when the availability of sight StreetView exchange bVisible is true if StreetView is available, false otherwise
OnStreetViewPosition(sender: TObject; const dLatitude, dLongitude: Double);
Triggered when changing position in latitude, longitude
OnStreetViewPOV(Sender: TObject);
Triggered when changing axis of the camera or changing zoom
OnStreetViewVisible(sender: TObject;const bVisible: Boolean);

Triggered when the view becomes visible StreetView is not visible

The closure of the X button to trigger this event with bVisible to false



The program DemoMobile shows a use of StreetView
Fig. 50 A view StreetView connected to a map view
Fig. 50 A view StreetView connected to a map view
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